In a poignant ceremony at the Maratha Light Infantry Regimental Centre, Belagavi on February 04, 2024, the MARATHA Day was celebrated with great fervor. The event featured a solemn wreath-laying ceremony by Major General Hitesh Bhalla, the Colonel of MARATHA Light Infantry, symbolizing respect for the sacrifices made by the brave soldiers. The Colonel, flanked by uniformed officers and dignitaries, laid a wreath at the memorial to honor the martyrs who have contributed to the rich legacy of the Maratha Regiment.

Adding to the day's significance, the flagging off ceremony of the Fort to Fort Cycle Expedition led by Major Sandeep was undertaken, to showcase the resilience and endurance of the Maratha soldiers. Enthusiastic cyclists include serving and retired Regimental personnel who embarked on this challenging journey from one historic fort to another, symbolizing the indomitable spirit of the Maratha Regiment. The expedition covered several forts.

The celebrations were attended by a diverse audience, including military officials and their families, veterans, Veer Naaris and Veer Marathas, all joining hands to commemorate the rich heritage of the Maratha Regiment.

February 04 is celebrated as “Maratha Day” across the Regiment to mark the historic significance, as on this day in 1670, Maratha ruler Shri Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj conquered the famous Kondhana Fort (now known as Sinhgad) near Pune.  Tanaji Malusare, Chhatrapatis, Military leader fought valiantly and made the supreme sacrifice to conquer the Fort.