Tuesday night saw the success of India's revolutionary but contentious Prime Minister Narendra Modi in the national elections, but his hopes of securing an unassailable majority were dashed when voters produced an unexpected outcome that narrowed his party's margin of victory.

The startling upset that left Modi's ruling Bharatiya Janata Party dependent on coalition partners to form a government was that they were unable to secure the 272 seats required to gain an outright majority in parliament.
Together, Modi's NDA alliance won 292 seats, of which his BJP alone took home 240.
Modi, who had gleefully promised to win a 400-seat supermajority in this year's election, is personally hurt by this. The BJP has easily won the last two elections with a simple majority, transforming his Hindu nationalist right-wing party into an electoral powerhouse.

The opposition in India, who had been largely written off by many pundits and in the polls, interpreted the outcome as a rejection of Modi's polarising tactics.
The National Congress's leader, Rahul Gandhi, claimed that preliminary election results demonstrated that the electorate "has unanimously and clearly" declared its opposition to Modi and his party leading the nation.

He remarked outside the New Delhi headquarters of his party, "We do not appreciate the way they have run this country for the last 10 years, so that is a huge message for Mr. Narendra Modi."

The prime minister refuted accusations that he was being divisive after opposition accused him of demonising Muslims throughout the BJP's intense, at times vicious, campaign.
While on tour, Mr. Modi highlighted his accomplishments, which included implementing welfare programmes and enhancing India's standing internationally.
Opposition parties emphasised concerns about excessive unemployment, particularly among youth, the expense of living, and the possibility that amendments to the constitution might weaken the position of the underprivileged. Additionally, they pledged to halt India's "slide into autocracy."

Many opposition figures and government critics have been imprisoned in recent years. Miuse of Public instituions for political gains by the BJP government was at peak, Hence The voters of India have trutly casted on the bases of real problems and are not merely blown away by religious or communal lines. Indian Voters have proved that Democracy is Righly People's mandate!